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Alabama Nurses Foundation Offers New Scholarships for Fall 2023

ANF Scholarship News

The Alabama Nurses Foundation (ANF) is pleased to announce the availability of its Fall 2023 scholarships, providing financial support and educational opportunities for aspiring nurses across the state.

As the leaves turn and a new academic season begins, the Alabama Nurses Foundation reaffirms its commitment to fostering excellence in nursing.

The foundation recognizes nurses' critical role in healthcare and strives to support individuals passionate about making a difference in this field.

Scholarship Opportunities for Fall 2023:

  • $3,000 Licensed Professional Nurse or Associate Degree Scholarship

  • $3,000 Baccalaureate Program Scholarship

  • $3,000 Doctoral or Graduate-level Scholarship

(note that multiple recipients in each category are likely)

Interested applicants can find detailed information about each scholarship and access application forms on the Alabama Nurses Foundation website. The application deadline for Fall 2023 scholarships is November 15, 2023. ANF encourages all eligible nursing students to apply and take advantage of this opportunity to further their nursing education.

ANF invites everyone to share this exciting news with friends, family, and colleagues. By spreading the word about these scholarships, you can help aspiring nurses in Alabama achieve their educational goals and contribute to the future of healthcare in the state.

For more information about the Alabama Nurses Foundation and its scholarship programs, please visit

About the Alabama Nurses Foundation:

The Alabama Nurses Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that was established in 1984 for the purpose of serving the nursing profession in the state through educational support, research grants and benevolent assistance to nurses in crisis.

Over the years, the ANF has provided scholarships related to nursing education and community grants for qualifying projects initiated by nurses.

In 2015 the “Nurses Save Lives” specialty auto license tags were approved by the Alabama Legislature, and the popularity of the tags has grown every year in significant proportions.

Consequently, the ANF has been able to increase scholarship awards and will be adding new programs for research grants and benevolence assistance to nurses.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Dr. John Ziegler, Executive Director

Alabama Nurses Foundation

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